- 1978 Video Guide
- 1979 Computer Mail Networking press release
- 1979 Monday Magazine
- 1980 Imprint
- 1980 Telecommunications Research - Bill Bartlett
- 1980s Proposal - BA Media and Communications
- 1980s Screen Production course outline
- 1980s student statement - the Media Centre
- 1982 The World in 24 Hours
- 1983 Australia 2003
- 1983 Australia 2003 2
- 1983 Australia 2003 3
- 1983 Digicon - Night Satellite 2
- 1983 Digicon - Night Satellite 3
- 1983 Digicon - Night Satellite 4
- 1983 Digicon - Night Satellite 5
- 1983 Digicon - Night Satellite1
- 1983 La Plissure de Texte
- 1985 16mm Technical Handbook 1
- 1985 16mm Technical Handbook 2
- 1985 Video students meeting minutes
- 1989 Summer School Press Clipping 01
- 1989 Summer School Press Clipping 02
- 1989 Summer School Press Clipping 03
- 1990 Art and Telecommunications 10 Years On
- 1990 COFA Handbook
- 1990 Computers in Art Schools
- 1990 Summer School
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 01
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 02
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 03
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 04
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 05
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 06
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 07
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 08
- 1990 Summer School Press Clipping 09
- 1990 Summer School Report Part 1
- 1990 Summer School Report Part 2
- 1990s Bill Seaman reading list
- 1990s Image Text Sound vocab
- 1990s M Art Discourse
- 1991 4D Studies student petition
- 1991 COFA Handbook
- 1991 Computers in Art Schools (Gidney)
- 1991 Council Advisory Feb
- 1991 Council Advisory July
- 1991 Council Advisory Oct
- 1991 Eyesore
- 1991 Grad students' video works
- 1991 letter from Dean and Director Ken Reinhardt
- 1991 M.Art information
- 1991 National Winter School
- 1991 New BFA course in 4D area
- 1991 ORDAD Report April
- 1991 ORDAD Report June
- 1991 Petition for more Film Theory classes
- 1991 prospective graduating students
- 1991 Summer School
- 1991 Summer School Participants List
- 1991 Summer School Press Release
- 1991 Summer School Timetable
- 1991 Temporal Visual Arts Society
- 1991 Unsound exhibition catalogue essay
- 1991-1997 COFA Corporate Plan
- 1991-1997 School of Media Art Corporate Plan
- 1992 Art and Design computer lab
- 1992 Arthaus Gallery computer generated art
- 1992 COFA Handbook
- 1992 Eyesore
- 1992 ORDAD report
- 1992 Summer School Participants
- 1992 Summer School Report
- 1992 Temporal Visual Arts Society
- 1992 TISEA Final Program - Part 1
- 1992 TISEA Final Program - Part 2
- 1992 TISEA Good Weekend article
- 1992 TISEA Logo
- 1992 TISEA Newsletter 1
- 1992 TISEA Newsletter 2
- 1992 TISEA Newsletter 3 - Part 1
- 1992 TISEA Newsletter 3 - Part 2
- 1993 COFA Handbook
- 1993 Cyberspace Galleries
- 1993 Electronic Media Arts Grant
- 1993 Hypermedia exercise
- 1993 Hypermedia outline
- 1993 Hypermedia overview
- 1993 On the Smell of an Oily Rag
- 1993 Producing Interactive Media
- 1993 School of Media Art assessment criteria
- 1993 School of Media Art Committee Meeting
- 1993 Student Film and Video Festival
- 1994 COFA Handbook
- 1994 Integrated Media Online
- 1994 Interactive Media in the School of Humanities
- 1994 Summer School
- 1994 Summer School Report
- 1995 Art & Design Handbook
- 1995 COFA Handbook
- 1995 Grad Students' exhibition
- 1995 National Winter School
- 1995 SCA Handbook
- 1995 School of Art 5 Year Computing Plan
- 1995 School of Art planning seminar
- 1995 Summer School
- 1995 Summer School Report
- 1995-2000 Corporate Plan
- 1995? 4D studies review brief - Bill Seaman
- 1996 Art & Design Handbook
- 1996 COFA Handbook
- 1996 history document
- 1996 Hypermedia outline 1
- 1996 Hypermedia outline 2
- 1996 SCA Handbook
- 1996 Summer School
- 1996 Summer School Press Release
- 1996 Summer School Report
- 1997 4D Studies
- 1997 Art and Design Handbook
- 1997 COFA Handbook
- 1997 Course handbook
- 1997 Grad and Honours Screenings
- 1997 Grad Students' screening
- 1997 Hypermedia history document
- 1997 Hypermedia outline
- 1997 Integrated Multimedia Teaching and Research
- 1997 Interactive movie exercise
- 1997 Internal Cast window
- 1997 Summer School
- 1997 Summer School Press Release 01
- 1997 Summer School Press Release 02
- 1997 Summer School Proposed Outline
- 1998 Art and Design Handbook
- 1998 COFA Handbook
- 1998 Convergent and Post Production proposal
- 1998 Course Handbook
- 1998 Hypermedia Outline
- 1998 Interactive Multimedia Intensive
- 1998 Interactive Multimedia outline
- 1998 Netcultures and Practices
- 1998 Netcultures and Practices description
- 1998 New Media description
- 1998 Recent CD-ROM narratives
- 1998 SCA Handbook
- 1998 Student exhibition
- 1998 Summer School
- 1998 TBA Exhibition
- 1998 Writing and New Media
- 1999 Art and Design Handbook
- 1999 Audio Production Guide
- 1999 COFA Handbook
- 1999 Course Handbook
- 1999 First Frames exhibition
- 1999 NISNMA
- 1999 SCA Handbook
- 1999 Summer School
- 1999 Summer School in Science and Art
- 2000 Art and Design Handbook
- 2000 Audio Studios and Equipment Manual
- 2000 COFA Handbook
- 2000 Intro to Computing outline
- 2000 Intro to Computing outline
- 2000 Proposal to change names of TBA courses
- 2000 Protools Operation Manual
- 2000 SCA Handbook
- 2000 TBA course outline
- 2001 3D Graphics and Modelling One
- 2001 3D Graphics and Modelling Two
- 2001 Animation
- 2001 Art and Design Handbook
- 2001 BDM brochure
- 2001 BDM Honours Program
- 2001 COFA Handbook
- 2001 Course Handbook
- 2001 Digital Composite One
- 2001 Digital Composite Three
- 2001 Digital Composite Two
- 2001 Digital Composite Two statement
- 2001 Digital Studio
- 2001 Digital Video Two
- 2001 Drawing for Media
- 2001 Industry Placement
- 2001 Intro to Digital Media
- 2001 Intro to Digital Media outline
- 2001 Languages of Digital Media
- 2001 Lighting
- 2001 Multimedia Authoring
- 2001 Netcultures and Practices outline
- 2001 Object Oriented Programming
- 2001 Photomedia
- 2001 Professional Portfolio
- 2001 Professional Practice
- 2001 SCA Handbook
- 2001 Sound
- 2001 Sound Media One
- 2001 Sound Media outline
- 2001 Sound Media Two
- 2001 Sound Studio
- 2001 Sound Studio Advanced Workshop
- 2001 TBA timetable
- 2001 Video
- 2001 Web Authoring
- 2001 Writing and New Media outline
- 2002 Art and Design Handbook
- 2002 BFA Honours overview
- 2002 COFA Newsletter
- 2002 course guide
- 2002 MIX TDM document
- 2002 Netcultures and Practices overview
- 2002 NISNMA
- 2002 Photomedia outline
- 2002 Protools documet
- 2002 SCA Handbook
- 2002 SOMA Proposed Research Subject
- 2002 Sound Media One outline
- 2002 Sound Media Two outline
- 2002 Sound outline
- 2002 Sound Studio Advanced Workshop outline
- 2002 TBA timetable
- 2002 Video outline
- 2003 Art and Design Handbook
- 2003 BDM coursework review
- 2003 BDM coursework review comments
- 2003 BDM coursework review response
- 2003 BDM Honours overview
- 2003 BDM issues document
- 2003 Budget proposal
- 2003 Captial Grant Equipment Proposal
- 2003 course guide
- 2003 Installation and Exhibition Sound/New Media
- 2003 Interactive Content outline
- 2003 Intro to Audio revision proposal
- 2003 Media Arts and Production project
- 2003 Media Arts and Production Project A
- 2003 Media Arts and Production Project Part B
- 2003 Media Arts and Production Project seminar
- 2003 Media Arts Research Seminar
- 2003 New Media and Social Change
- 2003 Photomedia Outline
- 2003 SCA Handbook
- 2003 SOMA coursework review
- 2003 Sound Media 2 outline
- 2003 Sound Media 3 revision proposal
- 2003 Sound outline
- 2003 Sound outline 2
- 2003 Sound Studio Advanced outline
- 2003 Sound Studio Introductory workshop
- 2003 Student Cinematheque
- 2003 TBA notes on assessment
- 2003 TBA revision proposal
- 2003 Thesis Preparation
- 2003 Video outline
- 2003 Ways of Listening
- 2004 Animation Concepts Seminar
- 2004 Art and Design Handbook
- 2004 Audio Issues document
- 2004 BDM schema
- 2004 Budgeting document
- 2004 Course Guide
- 2004 Honours Thesis Production 1
- 2004 Honours Thesis Production 2
- 2004 Interactive Content outline
- 2004 New Media Aesthetics outline
- 2004 Online Documentary outline
- 2004 Photomedia and TBA statement
- 2004 Photomedia outline
- 2004 SCA Handbook
- 2004 Sound Media 1 outline
- 2004 Sound Media 2 outline
- 2004 Sound Media 3 outline
- 2004 Sound Media 3 revision proposal
- 2004 Sound Studio Advanced Workshop outline
- 2004 TBA budget document
- 2004 TBA facilities
- 2004 TBA study list - John Gillies
- 2004 Video-Audio production path
- 2004 Writing and New Media description
- 2005 Art and Design Handbook
- 2005 Audio Workshop
- 2005 BDM blurb
- 2005 BDM schema
- 2005 Course Handbook
- 2005 Creative Audio Techniques
- 2005 Creative Techniques for Shorts
- 2005 Culture and Sound
- 2005 Culture and Technology
- 2005 Developing Creative Media
- 2005 Documentary Production
- 2005 Film and Video 1
- 2005 Film and Video Production
- 2005 Issues in Documentary
- 2005 Media Arts and Production 1
- 2005 Media Arts Project
- 2005 Media Arts, Concept and Project Development
- 2005 Mis en Scene
- 2005 New Media Aesthetics
- 2005 Producing
- 2005 SCA Handbook
- 2005 Sound Construction 1 outline
- 2005 Soundtrack
- 2005 Special Topic in Media Arts
- 2005 TBA timetable session 1
- 2005 TBA timetable session 2
- 2006 Art and Design Handbook
- 2006 BDM schema
- 2006 Course Handbook
- 2006 Cross Media Production description
- 2006 Cross Media Production outline
- 2006 Film and Video 2
- 2006 Film and Video Drama
- 2006 Film Animation
- 2006 Netcultures and Practices
- 2006 New Media Fundamentals description
- 2006 New Media Fundamentals outline
- 2006 New Media Fundamentals outline
- 2006 Sound Construction 2 outline
- 2006 TBA 3B performance night
- 2006 Writing and New Media description
- 2006 Writing and New Media outline
- 2007 Art and Design Handbook
- 2007 Audio Production
- 2007 Course Handbook
- 2007 Cross Media Production outline
- 2007 Introducing Audio Production
- 2007 Media Arts and Production 2
- 2007 New Media Fundamentals outline
- 2007 Online Documentary
- 2007 SCA Handbook
- 2007 Writing and New Media outline
- 2008 Art and Design Handbook
- 2008 Course Handbook
- 2008 recent video works from COFA
- 2008 SCA Handbook
- 2009 Art and Design Handbook
- 2009 SCA Handbook
- 3D Modelling and Animation 2
- 3D Modelling and Animation 3
- 3D1 Animation and Modelling
- 4D Points of Reference
- 4D Studies equipment list
- Advanced Analogue and Digital Animation
- Advanced Analogue Photography
- Advanced Multimedia Authoring
- Advanced Studio Lighting
- Alchemy
- Analogue and Digital Animation
- Analogue Photography
- ANAT report on the first Summer School in Cadcam
- Art of Sound course outline
- BA Fine Arts handbook part 1
- BA Fine Arts handbook part 2
- BA Fine Arts handbook part 3
- BA Fine Arts handbook part 4
- Blast Theory Masterclass & Attachment Program
- City Art Institute brochure
- City Art Institute Journal Article (Jordan)
- College proposal overview document
- Create Space
- Cyberculture - class notes
- Degree programs brochure
- Digital Composite
- Digital Composite 2
- Digital Studio
- Digital Video 1
- Digital Video 2
- Draft proposal for combined Film and Video Major
- Electronic Art workshop
- Electronic Art workshop unit outline
- Electronic Technologies
- Four Dimensional Studies
- Graffiti Research Lab
- History of Video Art course outline
- Honours Paper
- I Send You One
- INML 2004
- INML 2005
- Intro to City Art Institute incl. staff list
- Introduction to Audio
- Introduction to Digital Imaging
- Introduction to Digital Media
- Introduction to Studio Lighting
- Introductory Multimedia Computing
- Language of Digital Media
- Lighting and Cinematography Workshop
- Master of Electronic Art course information
- Masters of Science (Biological Art)
- Me d ia te
- Mediated body
- Multimedia Authoring 1
- New Techniques course outline
- Personal space
- Personal space class structure
- Personal space class structure
- Photomedia 1A
- Photomedia 1B
- Photomedia 2A
- Photomedia 2B
- Photomedia 3A
- Photomedia 3B
- Photomedia 4A
- Photomedia 4B
- Photomedia 5A
- Photomedia 5B
- Pirates Rule the Airwaves
- Presentation and representation
- Professional Portfolio
- Professional Practice Media Arts
- ReSkin
- School of Media Art overview
- Sound class notes
- Sound Media 2
- Sound Media 3
- Sound Media One
- Spatial and interaction
- Still Open
- TBA 1A
- TBA 1B
- TBA 2A
- TBA 2B
- TBA 3A
- TBA 3B
- TBA 4A
- TBA 4B
- TBA 5A
- TBA 5B
- TBA Reader
- TBA Video Manual
- Telecine Course Outline
- Time Place Space 1
- Time Place Space 2
- Time Place Space 3
- tutorials
- Video Art
- Video New Techniques course outline
- Video Production summer course
- VISUAL RESEARCH Electronic Art
- Writing for Digital Media