- 2001 3D Graphics and Modelling One
- 2001 3D Graphics and Modelling Two
- 2001 Animation
- 2001 Art and Design Handbook
- 2001 BDM brochure
- 2001 BDM Honours Program
- 2001 COFA Handbook
- 2001 Course Handbook
- 2001 Digital Composite One
- 2001 Digital Composite Three
- 2001 Digital Composite Two
- 2001 Digital Composite Two statement
- 2001 Digital Studio
- 2001 Digital Video Two
- 2001 Drawing for Media
- 2001 Industry Placement
- 2001 Intro to Digital Media
- 2001 Intro to Digital Media outline
- 2001 Languages of Digital Media
- 2001 Lighting
- 2001 Multimedia Authoring
- 2001 Netcultures and Practices outline
- 2001 Object Oriented Programming
- 2001 Photomedia
- 2001 Professional Portfolio
- 2001 Professional Practice
- 2001 SCA Handbook
- 2001 Sound
- 2001 Sound Media One
- 2001 Sound Media outline
- 2001 Sound Media Two
- 2001 Sound Studio
- 2001 Sound Studio Advanced Workshop
- 2001 TBA timetable
- 2001 Video
- 2001 Web Authoring
- 2001 Writing and New Media outline