Melinda Rackham
Website: subtle net
Melinda Rackham has engaged with sculptural, performative, distributed, emergent and responsive media artforms as an artist, critic, curator, consultant and cultural producer for twenty‐five years.
Her extensive knowledge of the field is drawn from participation in the major international media art exhibitions and festivals either as an exhibiting Artist, a Conference speaker, or as member of Selection Committee or Jury. Dr Rackham’s perspectives on emerging art practices appear in diverse academic and arts industry publications online and in print.
In 2002 Melinda established -empyre-, one of the worlds leading online critical media art theory forums, and was the first Curator of Networked Media at the Australian Centre for Moving Image. As Director of Australian Network for Art and Technology from 2005 till 2009 Melinda forged significant industry partnerships, and elevated public engagement and critique of research and practice in art, science and new technologies.
Currently Partner Curator at RiAus and Adjunct Professor at RMIT University, Dr Rackham’s focus is curating and writing on the emerging art and cultures manifest across networked, responsive, biological and wearable practices and distributed and public environments, and their impact on our everyday lives.
Short bio:
:: education
1999 – 2004 Doctor of Philosophy - Virtual Media, COFA & Sociology, UNSW
1995 – 97 Master of Arts - Gender and Interactive Media, UOW
1986 – 89 Bachelor of Arts - Visual Arts - Sculpture and Performance, COFA, UNSW
:: recent professional activity
2011 – 2013 Arts SA Visual Art, Craft and Design Committee, South Australia
2010 – ongoing Partner Curator, Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus), Adelaide
2009 – ongoing Adjunct Professor, School of Media and Communications,
RMIT University, Melbourne
2009 – ongoing Regional Coordinator, International Urban Screens Association, Melbourne
2006 – ongoing Advisory Committee, Art, Architecture and Design, University of South Australia 2009 – 2010 International Programming Committee, ISEA, Rhur, Germany
2009 Steering Committee Re_live; International Media Art Histories, Melbourne
Hybrid Art Forms Juror, Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Austria
:: curatorial projects
2011 :: LIFE2.0 - artifice to synthesis, RiAus : Science Exchange, Adelaide
2010 :: Dream Worlds: Australian Moving Image, Sanlitun Village, Beijing, China
2009 :: SuperHuman: Revolution of the Species, Curatorial Concept Development,
ANAT and RMIT Gallery Melbourne
2008 :: Coded Cloth - Electronic Textiles, ANAT and Samstag Museum, Adelaide
2006 :: Media Artcade, Consultant Curator, Sydney Olympic Park Authority (SOPA
2005 :: Spatial, Consultant Curator, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
2004 :: Networked - Australian Culture Now, ACMI, Melbourne
1995 :: WWWO, Co-Curator of 1st Australian Women’s online exhibition, Online