Jeremy Blank
Most recent position
Coordinator Media Arts at North Metropolitan TAFE from 27/06/2004 to 10/12/2018 (Part-time)
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Website: Mindarie Project
PhD research on integration of Media Arts within core visual art curriculum at Curtin University.
Interests include foundation programs for entry level students in media arts addressing contextual, historical and contemporary issues across representation, identity and image. Developed Associate Degree program for Visual Art students in static and moving image units addressing generation and capture, animation, video, sound and interactivity.
Short bio:
Jeremy currently coordinates Electronic Art at North Metropolitan TAFE Perth WA and has worked within Electronic Arts since 1999. Has extensive experience in video and collaborative works including curation of streams for 2004 & 2007 Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth. Originally trained at Chelsea School of Art & Goldsmiths College London.