Garth Paine
Short bio:
Garth Paine is a senior lecturer in Music Technology and Researcher at the MARCS Auditory labs, University of Western Sydney, where he leads the Virtual, Interactive performance research project (VIPRe). He is internationally regarded as an innovator in the field of interactivity in new media arts. He was awarded The RMIT Innovation Research Award in 2002. He is a member of the advisory panel for the Electronic Music Foundation, New York and one of 17 advisors to the UNESCO funded Symposium on the Future. His immersive interactive environments have been exhibited in Australia, Europe, Japan, USA, Hong Kong and New Zealand. He has been part of the organising and peer review panels for the International Conference On New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) since it’s inception and invited as guest editor of Organised Sound, a pre-eminent international journal on music technology published by Cambridge University Press. Dr Paine is the holder of a number of ARC research grants focusing on interactivity for musical performance and realtime interactive systems for interactive dance and theatre performances. He was the Australia Council for the Arts, New Media Arts Fellowship at RMIT University in 2000.