Most recent position
Lecturer at Curtin University of Technology from 1991 to 2002 (Full-time)
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Website: Pages on Galerie Dusseldorf Site
Short bio:
Douglas Sheerer is a founding Co-Director of Galerie Düsseldorf which was established in 1976 and is WA's longest running Contemporary Art Gallery.
He has held numerous positions within the Arts namely :
1996-2000 Chairman and Member of the Australian Board of The Australian Commercial Galleries Association (ACGA) WA
1996-99 Chairman of The Association of Western Australian Art Galleries Inc.
1997-99 Chairman of ART99 - The Western Australian Art Fair in 1999
He is a long standing approved Federal Governmant Valuer for the Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme (Cultural Gifts Programme)
He has extensive experience in the Arts, having previously taught in the School of Art, Curtin University from 1986 - 1999.
Since 1999 he has been an Adjunct Research Fellow: : Dept of Art. Faculty of Built Environment, Art and Design. Curtin University of Technology.
His degrees include a B.A. in Art + Design, a Post Graduate Diploma in Fine Art and an MA in (new Media) Art. He also undertook PhD studies from 1994-97.
1983-84 B.A. Fine Art (Major - Printmaking) W.A.I.T.
1986 Post Graduate Diploma Fine Art, Curtin University of Technology, WA
1992 M.A. (Interactive Computer Image Processing - New Media) Curtin University of Technology W.A.
1994-97 Ph.D Studies Curtin University of Technology W.A. (Beyond the Gaze - A Critical Evaluation of Interactive Art Practice)
Teaching Experience
1985 Part-time Lecturer Art Dept. Perth Technical College
1986 Contracted Curator of Art. W.A.I.T.
I986 Part-time Lecturer Printmaking. Fine Art Department, B.A. Course, W.A.C.A.E. (Now Edith Cowan University)
1989 Course Lecturer (Short Courses in Arts / Business Practice) T.A.F.E.
1987 Half-time. Contracted Senior Tutor, Printmaking School of Art, Curtin University of Technology, W.A.
1991 Acting Co-Ordinator, Full-time, Printmaking Department, Curtin University of Technology, W.A
1991 Set up Computer Image Processing Studio. School of Art, Curtin University of Technology WA
1992 Teaching in Printmaking, Audio-Visual and Computer Image Processing, School of Art Curtin University of Technology WA
1993 Reappointed as Tenured Associate Lecturer, School of Art, Curtin University of Technology WA
1993 Wrote and designed course outline as a Minor study 'Interactive Computer Image Processing'
1996 Acting Coordinator. Printmaking, Computer Imaging and Photography, Curtin University of Technology , WA. School of Art
1987- 99 Associate Lecturer 0.5, Curtin University of Technology, School of Art
1999- Adjunct Research Fellow: : Dept of Art. Faculty of Built Environment, Art
Douglas Sheerer is also a practicing artist whose interests currently lie in the areas of, digital, holographic and interactive constructive.
His work is held in the collections of :
Curtin University of Technology, ArtsWA, Artbank, Hungerfords WA, Kings Ambassador Hotel Perth, WA Morley Senior High School WA., The Australian War Memorial Canberra, The Holmes á Court Collection, Wesfarmers, Ian + Sue Bernadt Collection